Friday, September 7, 2012

share: Running old NFS library, requires new NFS library

     Today after editing the /etc/dfs/dfstab file, when I run "shareall -F nfs" in one of the server I got  below  error

"share: Running old NFS library, requires new NFS library".

Finally Issue turned out to be I am running  shareall command from  hpux 11.31 in   hpux 11.23  :(

HPUX - 11.23
$ /usr/sbin/swlist -l product | grep -i nfs
  NFS                           B.11.23        ONC/NFS; Network-File System,Information Services,Utilities

HPUX- 11.31
$/usr/sbin/swlist -l product | grep -i nfs
 NFS                           B.  ONC/NFS; Network-File System,Information Services,Utilities


you need to edit /etc/exports to add share details. then run "exportfs -av" to export the shared file system.