Today in one server one of the file system got crashed. Luckily its /var/adm/crash. So no data is there to lose.
While trying to mount the file system below error was coming
# /usr/sbin/mount -F vxfs /dev/vg00/lvol10 /var/adm/crash
UX:vxfs mount: ERROR: V-3-20023: file system on /dev/vg00/lvol10 has structural damage
Let me try a fsck
# /usr/sbin/fsck -F vxfs -o full /dev/vg00/rlvol10
UX:vxfs fsck: ERROR: V-3-20726: OLT extent 0 has bad checksum
read of primary OLT failed
UX:vxfs fsck: ERROR: V-3-20726: OLT extent 1 has bad checksum
read of OLT copy failed
UX:vxfs fsck: ERROR: V-3-20718: no valid OLT, cannot continue
file system check failure, aborting ...
So its not recoverable. If any valuable data was lost we need to restore it from backup. In my case no need to restore backup. So I went ahead and created the file system again.
# /usr/sbin/newfs -F vxfs -o largefiles /dev/vg00/rlvol10
version 6 layout
67108864 sectors, 67108864 blocks of size 1024, log size 16384 blocks
largefiles supported
Then mounted the file system.
#/usr/sbin/mount -F vxfs /dev/vg00/lvol10 /var/adm/crash
# bdf | grep crash
/dev/vg00/lvol10 67108864 33529 62883134 0% /var/adm/crash
An alternative way, if you want to recover data, is given in the below blog.
While trying to mount the file system below error was coming
# /usr/sbin/mount -F vxfs /dev/vg00/lvol10 /var/adm/crash
UX:vxfs mount: ERROR: V-3-20023: file system on /dev/vg00/lvol10 has structural damage
Let me try a fsck
# /usr/sbin/fsck -F vxfs -o full /dev/vg00/rlvol10
UX:vxfs fsck: ERROR: V-3-20726: OLT extent 0 has bad checksum
read of primary OLT failed
UX:vxfs fsck: ERROR: V-3-20726: OLT extent 1 has bad checksum
read of OLT copy failed
UX:vxfs fsck: ERROR: V-3-20718: no valid OLT, cannot continue
file system check failure, aborting ...
So its not recoverable. If any valuable data was lost we need to restore it from backup. In my case no need to restore backup. So I went ahead and created the file system again.
# /usr/sbin/newfs -F vxfs -o largefiles /dev/vg00/rlvol10
version 6 layout
67108864 sectors, 67108864 blocks of size 1024, log size 16384 blocks
largefiles supported
Then mounted the file system.
#/usr/sbin/mount -F vxfs /dev/vg00/lvol10 /var/adm/crash
# bdf | grep crash
/dev/vg00/lvol10 67108864 33529 62883134 0% /var/adm/crash
An alternative way, if you want to recover data, is given in the below blog.
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