0/0 ba Local PCI Bus Adapter (782)
0/0/0/0 lan HP PCI 10/100Base-TX Core
0/0/1/0 ext_bus SCSI C895 Fast Wide LVD
0/0/1/0.7 target
0/0/1/0.7.0 ctl Initiator
0/0/2/0 ext_bus SCSI C875 Ultra Wide Single-Ended
0/0/2/0.6 target
0/0/2/0.6.0 disk SEAGATE ST39102LC
0/0/2/0.7 target
0/0/2/0.7.0 ctl Initiator
0/0/2/1 ext_bus SCSI C875 Ultra Wide Single-Ended
0/0/2/1.7 target
0/0/2/1.7.0 ctl Initiator
0/0/4/0 tty PCI Serial (103c1048)
0/0/5/0 tty PCI Serial (103c1048)
0/4 ba Local PCI Bus Adapter (782)
0/4/0/0 ba PCItoPCI Bridge
0/4/0/0/4/0 lan HP A5506A PCI 10/100Base-TX 4 Port
0/4/0/0/5/0 lan HP A5506A PCI 10/100Base-TX 4 Port
0/4/0/0/6/0 lan HP A5506A PCI 10/100Base-TX 4 Port
0/4/0/0/7/0 lan HP A5506A PCI 10/100Base-TX 4 Port
vparcreate -p vpar01 -a cpu::2 -a io:0/0 -a io:0/4 -a mem::1024 -a io:/0/0/2/0.6.0:boot -B auto
create vpar with 3 total cpu and 2 bound cpu at hardware path 41 and 45 and maximum of 4 cpus
vparcreate -p vpar01 -a cpu::3 -a cpu:::2:4 -a cpu:41 -a cpu:45 -a io:0/0 -a io:0/4 -a mem::1024
-a io:/0/0/2/0.6.0:boot -B auto
Bound CPUs are attached to a vPar and cannot be removed while the vPar is up and running. IO interupts use the bound CPUs.
Booting monitor
vpar monitor is a file called /stand/vpmon. This file is loaded before hpux kernel is loaded. It will be loaded at ISL prompt.
Manually loading vpmon
Iterrupt boot at ISL prompt and then
ISL> hpux /stand/vpmon
boot/load commands available in vparmon prompt
MON> vparload -all (boots all vpars )
MON> vparload -p vpar01 (boots vpar01)
MON> vparload -auto (boots all vpars, whose atuoboot flag set to AUTO)
MON> vparload -p vpar01 -o "is" (boot vpar in single user mode )
MON > vparload -p vpar01 -b /stand/vmunix.prev ( boot alternate kernel)
MON > vparload -p vpar01 -B 0/3/0/0.2.0 (boot using disk device)
Boot vpar without entering vpmon prompt
ISL>hpux /stand/vpmon -p vpar01
Default partition database is /stand/vpdb
Booting another vpar from running vpar
vpar01# vparboot -p vpar02
Modify primary boot path
vpar01#vparmodify -p vpar01 -m io:0/4/0/
Modify alternate boot path
vpar01# vparmodofy -p vpar01 -m io:0/6/0/0.8.0:ALTBOOT
Delete a vpar
vpar01# vparremove -p vpar02
TOC a vpar
vpar01#vparreset -p vpar02 -t
shutdown/halt a vpar
vpar01#shutdown -h now
vpar01#vpararrest -p vpar02 -h
Status of vpar
vpar01# vparstatus
vpar01#vparstatus -v -p vpar01
0/0 ba Local PCI Bus Adapter (782)
0/0/0/0 lan HP PCI 10/100Base-TX Core
0/0/1/0 ext_bus SCSI C895 Fast Wide LVD
0/0/1/0.7 target
0/0/1/0.7.0 ctl Initiator
0/0/2/0 ext_bus SCSI C875 Ultra Wide Single-Ended
0/0/2/0.6 target
0/0/2/0.6.0 disk SEAGATE ST39102LC
0/0/2/0.7 target
0/0/2/0.7.0 ctl Initiator
0/0/2/1 ext_bus SCSI C875 Ultra Wide Single-Ended
0/0/2/1.7 target
0/0/2/1.7.0 ctl Initiator
0/0/4/0 tty PCI Serial (103c1048)
0/0/5/0 tty PCI Serial (103c1048)
0/4 ba Local PCI Bus Adapter (782)
0/4/0/0 ba PCItoPCI Bridge
0/4/0/0/4/0 lan HP A5506A PCI 10/100Base-TX 4 Port
0/4/0/0/5/0 lan HP A5506A PCI 10/100Base-TX 4 Port
0/4/0/0/6/0 lan HP A5506A PCI 10/100Base-TX 4 Port
0/4/0/0/7/0 lan HP A5506A PCI 10/100Base-TX 4 Port
vparcreate -p vpar01 -a cpu::2 -a io:0/0 -a io:0/4 -a mem::1024 -a io:/0/0/2/0.6.0:boot -B auto
create vpar with 3 total cpu and 2 bound cpu at hardware path 41 and 45 and maximum of 4 cpus
vparcreate -p vpar01 -a cpu::3 -a cpu:::2:4 -a cpu:41 -a cpu:45 -a io:0/0 -a io:0/4 -a mem::1024
-a io:/0/0/2/0.6.0:boot -B auto
Bound CPUs are attached to a vPar and cannot be removed while the vPar is up and running. IO interupts use the bound CPUs.
Booting monitor
vpar monitor is a file called /stand/vpmon. This file is loaded before hpux kernel is loaded. It will be loaded at ISL prompt.
Manually loading vpmon
Iterrupt boot at ISL prompt and then
ISL> hpux /stand/vpmon
boot/load commands available in vparmon prompt
MON> vparload -all (boots all vpars )
MON> vparload -p vpar01 (boots vpar01)
MON> vparload -auto (boots all vpars, whose atuoboot flag set to AUTO)
MON> vparload -p vpar01 -o "is" (boot vpar in single user mode )
MON > vparload -p vpar01 -b /stand/vmunix.prev ( boot alternate kernel)
MON > vparload -p vpar01 -B 0/3/0/0.2.0 (boot using disk device)
Boot vpar without entering vpmon prompt
ISL>hpux /stand/vpmon -p vpar01
Default partition database is /stand/vpdb
Booting another vpar from running vpar
vpar01# vparboot -p vpar02
Modify primary boot path
vpar01#vparmodify -p vpar01 -m io:0/4/0/
Modify alternate boot path
vpar01# vparmodofy -p vpar01 -m io:0/6/0/0.8.0:ALTBOOT
Delete a vpar
vpar01# vparremove -p vpar02
TOC a vpar
vpar01#vparreset -p vpar02 -t
shutdown/halt a vpar
vpar01#shutdown -h now
vpar01#vpararrest -p vpar02 -h
Status of vpar
vpar01# vparstatus
vpar01#vparstatus -v -p vpar01
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